Moroccan Selenite

How to Cleanse Selenite: A Guide to Purifying Your Crystal

How to Cleanse Selenite

How to Cleanse Selenite ? Crystals have a magical way of weaving themselves into our lives, bringing light and energy into our spaces. Selenite, with its ethereal glow and powerful properties, is no exception. But like anything cherished, it needs a little care. So, how do you cleanse selenite to keep it at its best?

Introduction to How to Cleanse Selenite ?

Selenite, a shimmering crystal, is more than just a pretty face. With its ability to cleanse and charge other crystals, it’s the unsung hero of the crystal world. However, to keep your selenite’s energy pristine, regular cleansing is a must. But how exactly do you go about cleansing selenite?

What is Selenite?

Named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, selenite is a form of gypsum crystal. Its translucent white color and ethereal appearance make it a favorite among crystal enthusiasts. Often referred to as liquid light, selenite is believed to have strong cleansing properties.

Why Cleanse Selenite?

Even though selenite is known for its self-cleansing abilities, it can still accumulate negative energy over time. Cleansing selenite helps maintain its powerful, positive vibrations. Imagine a window getting dirty over time; a good cleaning restores its clarity and beauty.

Signs Your Selenite Needs Cleaning

Ever felt like your selenite has lost its sparkle? That might be a sign it needs cleansing. If the crystal looks dull, feels heavy, or its energy seems off, it’s time for a cleanse.

Methods to Cleanse Selenite

Now, let’s dive into the various ways you can cleanse selenite, ensuring it remains a beacon of light and positivity.

Water-Free Cleaning

Why Avoid Water: Selenite is a soft crystal and can be damaged by water. Prolonged exposure can dissolve it, making water-free methods the best choice.

Using Moonlight

Harnessing Lunar Energy: Place your selenite under the moonlight, preferably during a full moon. The moon’s gentle rays will cleanse and recharge your crystal, restoring its natural energy.

Sound Cleansing

Vibrational Purity: Use a singing bowl, tuning fork, or even a bell. The sound vibrations will help clear any negative energies from the selenite, leaving it refreshed and revitalized.

Salt Cleansing

Earth’s Natural Cleanser: Bury your selenite in a bowl of dry sea salt. Leave it for a few hours to allow the salt to absorb any negative energy. Remember to dispose of the salt afterward.


Smoke Signals: Use sage, palo santo, or incense to smudge your selenite. Pass the crystal through the smoke, visualizing the cleansing properties of the smoke removing any negativity.

Intent and Visualization

Mind Over Matter: Hold your selenite and close your eyes. Visualize a bright, white light enveloping the crystal, purifying it of any negative energy. Your intention is powerful; trust in it.

Crystal Charging Stations

Team Effort: Place your selenite on a quartz cluster or amethyst geode. These crystals will help cleanse and charge your selenite, thanks to their own powerful properties.

Cleanser selenite

How Often Should You Cleanse Selenite?

Regular maintenance is key. Cleansing selenite once a month is generally sufficient. However, trust your intuition. If it feels like your selenite needs more frequent cleansing, go for it.

Storing Selenite

Proper storage can prolong the time between cleanses. Keep your selenite in a clean, dry place, away from other objects that might transfer negative energy. A dedicated crystal box or a soft cloth pouch works wonders.


Cleansing selenite is not just a ritual; it’s a way to honor and maintain the crystal’s natural beauty and energy. By incorporating these cleansing methods into your routine, you ensure that your selenite continues to shine bright, bringing light and positivity into your life.


  1. Can selenite be cleansed with water?

No, selenite should not be cleansed with water as it is a soft crystal and can dissolve.

  1. How do you know when selenite needs cleansing?

Signs include a dull appearance, heavy feeling, or diminished energy.

  1. Is moonlight the best method to cleanse selenite?

Moonlight is an excellent and gentle method for cleansing selenite, especially during a full moon.

  1. Can I use sound to cleanse selenite?

Yes, sound vibrations from a singing bowl, tuning fork, or bell can effectively cleanse selenite.

  1. How often should I cleanse my selenite?

Cleansing once a month is generally sufficient, but you can cleanse it more often if needed.

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